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Enter Stormwater BMP Data
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over 3 months ago

In 2023, the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) began a transition to online eReporting for MS4 Annual Status Reports. In addition, updated stormwater regulations require municipalities to collect additional data about stormwater BMPs (now called Stormwater Control Measures - SCMs) and report that data within the eReporting system.

To accommodate these changes by DEP, we updated the CSDatum Asset Info Screen for BMPs. Below is a description of the data fields in the updated Asset Info Screen.

Basic BMP Information

Name/ID - Provide the BMP with any name or ID number.

BMP No. - This is a unique BMP identification number that is assigned by CSDatum

Owned By - Designate the owner of the BMP. You can type the specific name of the owner, or just use a general indicator, like Public or Private.

MS4 - A Stormwater Control Measure is considered to be part of an MS4 if it is within an Urbanized Area, as designated by the Census Bureau. Use the Yes/No buttons to indicate if the BMP is within an MS4 and must be reported to DEP.

BMP Type

BMP Type - Select the type of BMP that the asset is. The dropdown list includes both Post Construction Stormwater Management (PCSM) and Pollutant Reduction Plan (PRP) types and matches the types that can be uploaded in DEP's eReporting system. Descriptions of the BMP types are at the following links.

Description - Provide any additional details to describe the BMP type or features. If "other" was selected in BMP Type, describe the BMP and the metrics used to calculate any load reduction.

Archived Type - If the BMP was mapped in CSDatum prior to June 2023, the Archived Type is the type that was in the database prior to this update. This Archived Type is maintained for information and reference only. Information about translating the archived type to the eReporting type is in this article.

NPDES Permit No. - Provide the NPDES permit number under which the BMP was installed.

Subwatershed - Note the subwatershed in which the BMP is located.

Post Construction Stormwater Management Types

Date Installed/Implemented - Enter the date that BMP construction was


Design Engineer - If known, provide the engineer/firm that designed the BMP.

Drainage Area - Enter the drainage area, in acres, treated by the BMP.

Extent - (only visible for some BMP types) For non-structural BMPs, enter a numeric value to describe the extent of BMP implementation.

Extent Units - (only visible for some BMP types) Enter the unit of measure for the BMP’s drainage area or extent. Example units are acres, square feet, etc.

Entity Responsible for O&M - List the names of individuals or organizations that have responsibility for long-term operation and maintenance of the BMP.

Summary of O&M Requirements - Provide a very brief summary of the O&M requirements and a reference to the O&M requirements recorded with the county recorder of deeds.

Pollutant Reduction Plan Types

Date Installed/Implemented – For structural BMPs, enter the date that construction was completed. For non-structural BMPs, enter the date that the last activity was completed during the reporting period

Design Engineer - If known, provide the engineer/firm that designed the BMP.

Drainage Area – For structural BMPs, the treatment area for the BMP will be in terms of drainage area. Enter the acres of drainage area treated by the BMP.

Impervious Area – For structural BMPs, enter the percentage of impervious area within the drainage area to the BMP (0 – 100%).

BMP in Planning Area? – Select yes/no to indicate whether the BMP was installed or implemented within the Planning Area of the PRP or TMDL Plan.

Completed for Chapter 102? – Select yes/no to indicate whether the BMP was installed or implemented as part of a Chapter 102 permit.

Retrofit? – Select yes/no to indicate whether the BMP is a retrofit of an existing BMP. For example, you should select yes where an existing flood control basin is retrofitted to provide enhanced infiltration. If no is selected, DEP will assume this is a new BMP.

Annual Sediment Load Reduction – Report the calculated annual sediment load reduction for the BMP. Note that this value must be documented in the Final Report for the PRP and/or TMDL Plan.

Collaborative? – Select yes/no to indicate whether the BMP was part of a collaborative effort with other MS4s. In other words, if another MS4 permittee (that is not a co-permittee) will also receive credit for the BMP.

Other MS4 Permittees - If the BMP was part of a collaborative effort, list the names of the additional MS4 permittees. If more than 3 MS4 permittees are benefiting from the BMP, you may identify the name of the collaborative plan in lieu of listing each beneficiary (e.g., “ABC County-wide PRP municipalities”).

Extent - (not shown in screenshot) Some BMPs will require an extent, such as the miles of street sweeping or number of trees planted.

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