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Translating BMP Names/Types
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over 4 months ago

Attachment C – BMP Manual BMP Descriptions

The information below is from Attachment C of the MS4 Annual Report User Guide, dated June 7, 2023. It shows a cross reference from existing BMP Name/Type (from the current BMP Manual) to the Name/Type required for MS4 eReporting.

5.8.1 - Rooftop Disconnection

eReporting BMP Name: Other

Notes: Include BMP type in the Description column.

5.8.2 - Disconnection from Storm Sewers

eReporting BMP Name: Other

Notes: Include BMP type in the Description column.

6.4.1 - Pervious Pavement with Infiltration Bed

eReporting BMP Name: Permeable Pavement w/o Sand or Veg. (C/D Soils w/ underdrain)

Notes: Review the design of the BMP and select the appropriate category from the following list:

  • Permeable Pavement w/o Sand or Veg. (C/D Soils w/ underdrain)

  • Permeable Pavement w/o Sand or Veg. (A/B Soils w/ underdrain)

  • Permeable Pavement w/o Sand or Veg. (A/B Soils w/o underdrain)

  • Permeable Pavement w/ Sand or Veg. (A/B Soils w/ underdrain)

  • Permeable Pavement w/ Sand or Veg. (A/B Soils w/o underdrain)

  • Permeable Pavement w/ Sand or Veg. (C/D Soils w/ underdrain)

  • If the design of the BMP is unknown, select Permeable Pavement w/o Sand or Veg. (C/D Soils w/ underdrain)

6.4.2 - Infiltration Basin

eReporting BMP Name: Infiltration Practices

6.4.3 - Subsurface Infiltration Bed

eReporting BMP Name: Infiltration Practices

6.4.4 - Infiltration Trench

eReporting BMP Name: Infiltration Practices

6.4.5 - Rain Garden/Bioretention

eReporting BMP Name: Bioretention / Raingarden (C/D soils w/ underdrain)

Notes: Review the design of the BMP and select the appropriate category from the following list:

  • Bioretention / Raingarden (A/B soils w/ underdrain)

  • Bioretention / Raingarden (A/B soils w/o underdrain)

  • Bioretention / Raingarden (C/D soils w/ underdrain)

  • If the design of the BMP is unknown, select Bioretention / Raingarden (C/D soils w/ underdrain.

6.4.6 - Dry Well/Seepage Pit

eReporting BMP Name: Infiltration Practices

6.4.7 - Constructed Filter

eReporting BMP Name: Filtering Practices

6.4.8 - Vegetated Swale

eReporting BMP Name: Vegetated Open Channels (C/D Soils)

Notes: Review the design of the BMP and select the appropriate category from the following list:

  • Vegetated Open Channels (A/B Soils)

  • Vegetated Open Channels (C/D Soils)

  • If the design of the BMP is unknown select Vegetated Open Channels (C/D Soils).

6.4.9 - Vegetated Filter Strip

eReporting BMP Name: Filter Strip Stormwater Treatment

Notes: Review the design of the BMP and select the appropriate category from the following list:

  • Filter Strip Runoff Reduction

  • Filter Strip Stormwater Treatment

  • If the design of the BMP is unknown select Filter Strip Stormwater Treatment.

6.4.10 - Infiltration Berm & Retentive Grading

eReporting BMP Name: Infiltration Practices

6.5.1 - Vegetated Roof

eReporting BMP Name: Other

Notes: Include BMP type in the Description column.

6.5.2 - Runoff Capture & Reuse

eReporting BMP Name: Other

Notes: Include BMP type in the Description column.

6.6.1 - Constructed Wetland

eReporting BMP Name: Wet Ponds and Wetlands

6.6.2 - Wet Pond/Retention Basin

eReporting BMP Name: Wet Ponds and Wetlands

Dry Detention Basin

eReporting BMP Name: Dry Detention Basin

6.6.3 - Dry Extended Detention Basin

eReporting BMP Name: Dry Extended Detention Basin

6.6.4 - Water Quality Filters & Hydrodynamic Devices

eReporting BMP Name: Hydrodynamic Structures

6.7.1 - Riparian Buffer Restoration

eReporting BMP Name: Forest Buffer

6.7.2 - Landscape Restoration

eReporting BMP Name: Other

Notes: Include BMP type in the Description column.

6.7.3 - Soil Amendment & Restoration

eReporting BMP Name: Other

Notes: Include BMP type in the Description column.

Stream Restoration

eReporting BMP Name: Stream Restoration

6.7.4 - Floodplain Restoration

eReporting BMP Name: Wet Ponds and Wetlands

6.8.1 - Level Spreader

eReporting BMP Name: Other

Notes: Include BMP type in the Description column.

Managed Release Concept (MRC)

eReporting BMP Name: Bioretention / Raingarden (C/D soils w/ underdrain)

Notes: Review the design of the BMP and select the appropriate category from the following list:

  • Bioretention / Raingarden (A/B soils w/ underdrain)

  • Bioretention / Raingarden (C/D soils w/ underdrain)

  • If the design of the BMP is unknown, select Bioretention / Raingarden (C/D soils w/ underdrain)

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