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Import From Another Print Template
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over a week ago

Existing print templates can be duplicated into a new template in one of two ways:

  1. An existing print template can be duplicated directly to a new template. Full instructions on this method can be seen in this article.

  2. A template that's currently open and editable can import the data and layout from another existing template. Instructions on this method are below.

Begin from an open Custom Print Template, that has already been created and saved. Click Gear > Import Items From Template.

The Import Items box will display and show the templates that can be imported in the dropdown list. The list will only show the templates with the same Document Type as the template that you're working in.

Choose the appropriate template and click Import.

The text and data fields from the chosen template will be imported into the current template.

Make any additional changes to the template, and click Save.

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