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Inspect a Complaint
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over 8 months ago

After a complaint has been recorded on a property, that complaint can be inspected to see if a code violation is taking place. The complaint can be inspected any number of times, with each inspection saved to the complaint record.

Scheduling Future Inspections

Future inspections can be created to act as a reminder to inspect the complaint at that time.

To create a new complaint inspection, begin from the complaint record, in the Edit Complaint window. Go to the Inspections tab and click the Plus button.

This opens a new inspection record in an Edit Complaint Inspection window. There are two required data fields: Task Performed and Inspector. However, in order to create an inspection with adequate data, also complete the Inspection Date field.

The Task Performed data field is populated from a dropdown list. Additional inspection tasks can be added to the dropdown from the inspection tasks list at Edit > Inspection Tasks, as described in this article.

The Inspector data field is populated from a dropdown list. Additional inspectors can be added to the dropdown from the Employees Info list as described in this article.

There are three date/time fields, and all of them are optional. Many users only use the Inspection Date field. This is the data field that is used to create the inspection schedule at Inspections > Schedule.

If desired, you can use all the date/time fields to capture a more complete inspection record, as follows:

  • Request Date/Time - The date/time that an inspection request was received by the municipality.

  • Ready Date/Time - The date/time that the property will be ready for the requested inspection.

  • Inspection Date/Time - The scheduled date/time that the project will be inspected.

When done, click Save.

Adding Data After an Inspection

After the inspection has been performed, update the record by marking the Status as Complete. Also add comments, photos, and documents related to the inspection, if needed. See this article for detailed information.

Failed Inspections and Scheduling a Re-Inspection

If a complaint failed an inspection and a future inspection is required, a re-inspection can be scheduled using the Copy to New Inspection feature. See this article for detailed instructions.

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