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Add a New Asset to the Map
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over 4 months ago

If you've already added the Layer and Asset Type as described in this article then you're ready to start mapping all your individual assets.

The information below describes adding new assets when working at a computer. See this article for instructions and screenshots when working from a mobile device.

It's usually easiest to map assets with the Labeled Aerial base map turned on. Navigate there using โ‹ฎ Menu > Base Layer.

Then click Labeled Aerials.

Navigate back to the main menu using the back arrow button.

Now you're ready to map! Begin by clicking on the Layer and then the Asset Type. The screenshot below shows the Sanitary Sewer Layer with the Manhole Asset Type selected. This opens the Asset Type Menu.

To add a new individual asset, begin by clicking the Plus button.

This activates the editing mode, allowing you to click on the map to place the asset in the appropriate location.

Each asset is recorded on the map as a point, line or polygon.

Points - An asset that is a single point, such as a manhole, can be placed with one click on the map.

Lines - A line is used to represent an asset such as a pipe or wire. Begin a line asset with one click as the start point, one click at each change of direction, and a double click at the end.

Polygons - A polygon is a closed shape and is used to represent an asset that covers a large area. Begin a polygon with one click on the map. Add a click at each change in direction, and double click at the end to complete the polygon.

Some assets, like the pump station shown above, can be recorded as either a point or polygon. Click one of the buttons to indicate if the asset will be a point or polygon.

After the asset has been drawn on the map, the Asset Info Screen appears. Expand each section by clicking on it, and add the appropriate data. Click Save and then Close when done.

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