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List of All Upgrades and New Features
List of All Upgrades and New Features
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over 2 months ago

Listed below are the upgrades and new features that have been added to CSDatum Software over the years. Newest upgrades are listed first. We are dedicated to continual improvement and responsiveness to client requests.

This list is a work in progress, and will be updated with new features as they are added and with features that were added in the past. The goal is to document a (somewhat) comprehensive evolution of CSDatum.

December 2024

Permits: Report Builder Fields

We added the "Permit Issued Date" field to the list of fields that can be added to a Fee report in Report Builder.

Permits: PDF Preview of Documents

We added a preview of PDF documents to the document's information page. saved to the Documents tab.

Maps: Water Service Line Data Upgrades

We updated the data fields and functionality of the Water Service Line asset to match the data collected in the PA DEP Water Service Line Inventory (SLI) spreadsheet.

Permits: List of All Tenants

We added a menu item that opens a list of all tenants. This enables faster searching for an individual tenant by name or address.

October 2024

Maps: Identify Hydrants with Storz Adapters

We added a Storz Adapter field to hydrants to identify those with that feature.

Maps: Weekly Work Order Emails

We created a weekly notification email that summarizes: (1) Work orders from last week that were not finished, and (2) Work orders due this week. This article shows an example of the email.

Maps: Custom Inspection Template Title

We added the name of a custom inspection template to the inspection printout to better identify the inspection that was performed.

Permits: Enhanced Alerts

We updated alerts so that all of the following show a high priority red bubble alert on the property: (1) Incidents, (2) Complaints, (3) Violations, and (4) Expired Permits.

Permits: Add Multiple Inspections at the Same Time

We updated inspections so that multiple inspections can be added by picking them from a list. Previously, each inspection had to be added individually.

Permits: Add Submitted and Due Date Fields to Approvals

We upgraded the Approvals to include a Submitted Date and Due Date to better track the timeframes related to permit approvals.

September 2024

Permits: Group Inspections

We created the ability to add multiple inspections to a permit at the same time.​

August 2024

Permits: Length of Permit Number

We increased the maximum length of a permit number to 15 characters

Permits: Include Fee Balance in Printouts

We created a print option to allow the user choose to include or not include the Fee Paid and remaining Balance owed on the permit printout.

July 2024

Permits: Has Comments Indicator

We added a column to the Inspections list view that indicates if an inspection has comments.

Permits: Permit Number Updates

We created the ability to have a hyphen ( - ) between the year and the number when using automatic permit numbers. Permit numbers can now be formatted as either 240016 or 24-0016.

Maps: Improved Work Orders

We enabled work orders for all users and improved the table view of all work orders to allow sorting, filtering, and data export.

June 2024

Permits: Subcontractor List for Other Permits

We added the subcontractors table to Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Permits.

Permits: Additional Filter for Violations Report

We added an Open Date filter option for the Violation Report.

Permits: Default Contact List Sorting

Any list of Contacts (owners, contractors, etc.) now sorts by Last Name by default.

January 2024

Permits: New Info in Window Tabs

We added information to the window tabs to identify what particular item is open in each. The tabs include information like property address, permit number, violation number, or other identifying information.

Permits: Complaint Records Added to Custom Print Templates

We added complaints and all their associated data to the Custom Print Templates tool, enabling the creation of complaint letters and other printouts.

Maps: Work Order Notification Emails

We added notification emails to the Work Orders feature so that users that are not logged into the system will know when they've been assigned work.

December 2023

Maps: Pipe Lining

We added a new data field to specify if a pipe has been lined or similarly rehabilitated.

October 2023

Maps: Clear individual Measurements

We added the ability to clear individual measurements when using the measure tool. Click the Trash Can Icon to clear an individual measurement or Clear All to clear them all.

Permits: Import Items from Another Custom Print Template

We added a way to create a new Custom Print Template that uses the data from an existing (already created) template. After you set the new template up, you have the ability to import items from another template at Gear Icon > Import Items From Template.

Permits: Add Permit Message to Custom Print Template

We added the Permit Message (formerly called Permit Footer Message) as a component that can be added to a Custom Print Template. This ability enables users to create a custom permit printout that includes the standard footer messages that the municipality has been using.

September 2023

Permits: Custom Print Templates

We added a feature that lets you create a fully customizable print template that can be used to create letters, permit printouts, job cards, and any other printed document.

Permits: Live Search in All Dropdown Lists

We added a search bar to almost all dropdown lists throughout the program to allow you to find the appropriate selection more quickly.

Maps: Other Assets

We added a new flexible asset, called "Other Asset," to each asset type on the map. The Other Asset can be used to map any asset that doesn't have a pre-defined asset type on the map. It includes a new feature that calculates the current, depreciated value of the asset.

Permits: New Inspection Status of "Cancelled"

We added a new option of "Cancelled" to the inspection status dropdown list. This new status allows users to track the times that an inspection was cancelled, enabling the potential for flagging contractors that frequently cancel inspections.

July 2017

Maps: Custom Inspection Forms

We added a new feature that lets users create their own custom inspection forms and then use them to inspect assets saved within CSDatum. This allowed users to turn every paper inspection form or checklist into an online process.

December 2015

Maps: Folders for Uploaded Files

We added the ability to create folders to organize uploaded files for each asset. These folders are available in Attachments > Files of each asset.

Maps: Updated Base Maps

We switched to a new base map provider called Mapbox. Mapbox provides mapping and aerials that are updated on a regular basis.

Maps: MS4 Annual Report Documentation

We added the ability to upload all of your MS4 documentation for each BMP right next to its description, measurable goals, and action plan. This creates a simple place to compile your annual report at year's end. In addition, we added a page that displays all the Outfall Screenings that have been completed and those that are remaining to be completed. This provides a quick way to either download the completed screening inspection forms, or to jump to the outfalls yet to be screened.

September 2015

Maps: Stormwater Layer Improvements

We added the ability to track headwalls and endwalls separately from inlets and outfalls. Previously, these items that define the beginning and end of pipes were mixed together in ways that weren't always intuitive or helpful. Plus, they made tracking outfalls, which are defined by PA DEP for MS4 compliance, tricky. In addition, we created a new asset to track stormwater swales.

August 2015

Maps: Photo Quality

We made changes to the way that photos are stored in CSDatum so that they could be enlarged and viewed full-screen. We also gave users a way to download the photos so that they could be used in other documents and programs.

July 2015

Maps: Default Basemap and Assets

We added the ability to set your favorite Base Layer (background imagery) and asset Layer so that each time you open the map, those items are automatically shown on the map.

Maps: New Permission Levels

We added permission levels so that each user could be set as a Viewer or Editor. We also added the ability to completely restrict users from certain layers.

June 2015

Maps: Combined Sewer

We added a new layer of Combined Sewers to track those portions of the sewer system where sanitary sewer and storm sewer flows are combined.

Maps: Additional Utility Assets

We added three new layers to track the locations and attributes of Electric, Gas, and Steam systems.




  • Overhead Electric

  • Buried Electric

  • Meters

  • Utility Poles

  • Vaults

  • Light Standards

  • High Pressure Lines

  • Low Pressure Lines

  • Valves

  • Meters

  • Steam Lines

  • Valves

Maps: Parking Lots and Buildings

We added a Parking Lot asset within the Transportation Layer, and created categories of buildings within the Building asset.

Maps: Styling of Highlighted Assets

We changed the styling of highlighted features, so users can now differentiate between highlighted overhead electric and highlighted roadways.

April 2015

Maps: MS4 Outfall Inspection Form

We created a reproduction of DEP's Illicit Discharge Inspection Form and enabled the software to create a PDF of the form that includes your outfall inspection data and photos.

Maps: Scour Critical Bridge Inspections

Scour inspections were added to Bridge assets to enable quick and easy scour inspections during a flood event.

March 2015

Maps: Improvements to Permits Section

Maps was updated to allow users to store basic data related to Zoning, Building, HOP, and other permits.

Maps: Base Map Upgrades

The map imagery is the essential canvas, so we made it more powerful by allowing you to adjust opacity and use stylized and artistic maps.

Maps: Updated Menu

We streamlined the functionality and cleaned up the layout of the menu.

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