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Categorize a Permit
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over 4 months ago

Most permits have several data fields that are used to categorize and describe them. Each of these data fields serves a different purpose, but sometimes they can seem to have overlapping uses and be redundant. Below we describe four data fields that can be used to categorize and describe a permit and show how to use each for its unique purpose.

The four data fields that can be used to categorize a permit are:

  • Permit Sub-Type

  • Permit Description

  • Proposed Use

  • Use Group

The first two items are found on the General Info tab of a Permit, and are described below.

Permit Sub-Types

All permits contain a Sub-Type field. The Permit Sub-Type is a uniform way to categorize permit records for quicker searching and more detailed reporting. The Sub-Type field is filled using a dropdown list. Edit the list of Sub-Types at Edit > Permit Sub-Types. See this article for detailed instructions. Only create enough Sub-Types for meaningful reporting and watching for trends. Don't over complicate it by creating too many Sub-Types!

Permit Description

The Permit Description is an open text field for a short (75 characters or less) description of the permit or project. Use an easily recognized name for the project to make it easy to identify a particular permit or project.

While this field allows the user to enter any text, it also includes a type-ahead feature that shows previous entries that are similar to what you are typing. This helps in a situation where you want to use a consistent description for all similar projects; for example, residential fences. The type-ahead feature will help eliminate the problem where some descriptions are "Fence," while others are "Fence around back yard," and still others are "4 ft. fence around the entire back yard area."

The next two data items, bulleted below, are found on the Permit Info Tab and are described below.

  • Proposed Use

  • Use Group

Proposed Use (Use Code)

The Proposed Use data field is a dropdown list that is populated by the Use Code table. The Use Code shows the relationship between a permit and a section of the relevant code. The relevant code may be the Zoning Ordinance for a zoning permit, while a different code or ordinance may be applicable for one of the other permit types.

For some permit types, the Proposed Use list may only includes 4 entries: Residential, Commercial, Industrial, and Agricultural. Other permit types may include a detailed list of many different uses that may apply.

If needed, additional Use Codes can be added. Edit the list of Use Codes from Edit > Use Codes, as described in this article.

Use Groups

Use Groups indicate the primary purpose of a building or a portion of a building, and are defined by the construction code in effect within the municipality.

Within each Use Group are uses that have similar hazards and risks to building occupants. Different building code standards are applied to each Use Group.

Edit the list of Use Groups at Edit > Use Groups.

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