To add a new Water Quality Observation Site, it is often easiest with the Aerial base map turned on.
Navigate there using โฎ Menu > Base Layer.
Then select Labeled Aerials.
Navigate back to the main menu using the back arrow button.
Begin mapping by clicking on the Storm layer and then the Water Quality asset type. To add a new Water Quality site, click the Plus button.
This activates the editing mode. In the editing mode, a new Water Quality Site will be marked on the map with a single click. Navigate the map to the location for the new Water Quality Site and click on the map.
After the site is marked on the map, the Asset Info Screen appears. Expand each section by clicking on it. Add the appropriate data to each section. Click Close when done.
When you are ready to inspect a Water quality Site, expand the Inspections section by clicking on it. This article describes the inspection process in detail.