Recording the data from a water quality test can be performed either in the field or in the office, using the built-in inspection template in the CSDatum Map.
Begin by navigating to the Water Quality Inspection site where the testing will take place. To get there, click on the Storm layer and then the Water Quality asset type.
Once the Water Quality Sites are displayed on the map, either visually choose the site on the map and click on it, or use the search feature shown in the screenshot below.
After selecting the appropriate Water Quality Site, click the View Data button.
Within the Asset Info Screen, click Inspections > Start Inspection > Stream Inspection.
Progress through the inspection form by using the Start and Next buttons. Add relevant photos by clicking on the Photos button. If working on a phone or tablet, you can add a photo directly from the device's camera. Click Save and Close after filling in all the inspection data.
The inspection will now show within the Inspections section with the Date, Inspector, and Type of Inspection.