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Permit Status Definitions
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over 7 months ago

Permit Status is a required data field and has multiple options contained in a dropdown selector. Below, the permit statuses are described in greater detail.

Permit Processing Workflow and Permit Statuses

This table shows the general workflow of permit processing and the possible statuses that could be used at each step of the process.

Permit Processing Step

Possible Statuses

1 - Permit application data was entered into Permit Manager, but has not been reviewed

  • Pending

2 - Permit application is being reviewed

  • Under Review

3 - Permit application review is complete

  • Approved

  • Denied

4 - Permit is issued

  • Active

5 - Permitted work began but is now stopped

  • Cancelled

  • Revoked

  • Stop Work

  • Expired

6 - Permitted work continues

  • Active

  • Renewed

  • Temp CO Issued

7 - Permit is closed out

  • CO Issued

  • Complete

  • Closed

Permit Status Definitions

Below are detailed definitions for each permit status.

Active - The permit has been issued to the applicant and is in active use for its purpose.

Approved - The permit is approved, but has not been issued to the applicant yet.

Cancelled - The permit was cancelled by the applicant before the project was completed.

Closed - The permit is closed, but the project may not have been completed.

CO Issued - The project is complete, the permit is closed, and a certificate was issued.

Complete - The project is complete, the permit is closed, but a certificate was not needed or issued.

Denied - The permit application is denied because it does not meet requirements.

Expired - The permit is past its expiration date and has not been renewed, closed out, or had a replacement permit issued.

Pending - The permit application data is entered in Permit Manager, but the application has not been reviewed, approved, or denied.

Renewed - The permit has been renewed, but is awaiting additional information, fee payment, or other data required to put it back into Active status.

Revoked - The permit is withdrawn by the municipality and is no longer usable by the applicant.

Stop Work - The municipality has issued a stop work order that requires the permitted work to stop, but the permit has not been Revoked.

Temp CO Issued - A temporary CO has been issued that allows one portion of the project to be closed out while work on other parts of the project continues.

Under Review - The permit application is being reviewed for compliance with regulations.

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