Each user can create an electronic signature as part of their user account. That signature can then be applied to permits that are issued under the user's name. The following sections describe how to set up the signature and associated permissions.
Create Signature
A user's signature is created as part of their individual account. Account settings are located under the main menu at ≡ Menu > Account > Settings > Personal Info > Create a Signature.
Use a touchscreen for best results when creating an electronic signature. Click Save.
Link the Signature to the Employees List
In order to link the electronic signature to Permit Manager, add the user as an employee at File > Municipality Setup > Employees Info.
This opens the Employees window. From there, click the Plus button to add a new employee.
Fill in the data required in the New Employee dialog box. Be sure to link to the user for the just-created signature using the dropdown list for Linked User.
If this user will be doing inspections for any kind of permits or violations, check the Inspector Checkbox. When done, click Save.
Authorize Others to Use Your Signature
A user can always apply their own signature to a printed permit, job card, or certificate of use/occupancy. Additionally, a user can allow others to use their signature. This feature is generally used when an assistant is the one to issue a printed permit to the permittee and needs to apply the official's electronic signature before printing. This signature authorization is located in the Signature Permissions section. Go to File > Signatures > Signature Permissions.
This opens the Signature Permissions window. This window shows all the users that have been granted permission to use your signature. Edit an existing user by double clicking their name, or by highlighting them and clicking the Folder button.
Add a new permitted user by clicking the Plus button, selecting the new permitted user from the drop down list, and then clicking Save.
Signatures That You Can Use
A user can always apply their own signature to a printed permit, job card, or certificate of use/occupancy. To see other signatures that are available for you to apply to a printout, go to File > Signatures > Accessible Signatures.
Signature Use
To see a list of all the times that your signature was used, go to File > Signatures > Signature Usages.