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Track OLDS (Septic) Pumpouts
Jonathan Heilman avatar
Written by Jonathan Heilman
Updated over 2 months ago

Background Information

Many rural areas use on-lot disposal systems (OLDS), also known as septic systems, to manage sewage for homes and businesses. To help prevent OLDS from malfunctioning, many municipalities require each OLDS to be pumped out every few years.

Permit Manager can track these pumpouts and generate lists of properties that will require a pumpout in the near future. The software does this by treating the OLDS pumping like a permit. For example, if each OLDS is required to be pumped out every three years, create an OLDS Pumping Record for each property and assign an expiration date three years in the future.

When the pumpout occurs, record the date in the OLDS Pumping Record. Then, save a photo or scan of the pumper's manifest to the permit documents as evidence of the pumpout. Finally, closeout the permit.

Creating OLDS Pumping Records for Many Properties

If you need to generate OLDS Pumping Records for a large number of properties, such as for an OLDS District or a whole municipality, contact us, and we can automatically create the records all at once. No need to create them one-at-a-time.

Tracking Unpumped OLDS Properties

Use the Permits Expiring Report at Reports > Permits Expiring - Report to generate a list of OLDS Pumping Records that will expire during a specified time period.

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