Properties with multiple rental units are best managed using the Tenants tab on the far right side of the property record. Click on the Tenants tab to show the list of rental units on the property.
Note that if your screen is narrow, the Tenants tab may be under the More tab.
In the example above, there are 3 rental units on this property, each with a tenant. There is a commercial restaurant and two residential apartments.
To switch tenants on an existing rental unit, see this article.
To create a new rental unit, click the Plus button. This opens a New Tenant window that is prefilled with the Street No., Street, and Move In date.
Set the tenant by clicking Down Arrow > Pick New Tenant.
Add any other relevant data items. To add Additional Contacts, click Save first.
Save and close the New Tenant window. The new rental space and tenant has been added to the list.
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